Working with feelings, both personal ones and those linked to the world of relationships, is the goal of this programme, since children learn better if they are psychologically motivated and have direct experience of what they are learning. Emotional deficiencies constitute an added risk in children’s education, so we must pay particular attention to emotional development. These emotional and social skills are essential for life.
Mastering emotions is particularly difficult because these skills have to be used at a time when people find themselves least able to assimilate information and learn response habits, namely when they have problems. Although the content of emotional education classes may seem trivial, its effects on what is known as comprehensive education (development into well-rounded human beings) are today more necessary than ever for our future.
The emotions programme considers emotional life to be essential to the everyday life of the child, in how he or she functions on a day-to-day basis in the classroom and playground, or with the family. These emotional skills can be developed, in practice, at any time of the day and are always useful, but especially in difficult times.
People who have developed these emotional skills are more able, generally, to face up to difficult situations and stay in control of themselves.
This consists of knowing the difference between feelings and actions and learning to take the best emotional decisions, controlling the impulse to act and identifying the various alternative reactions and their consequences. Many of these skills are clearly interpersonal. Working in small groups facilitates the task of developing areas related to interpersonal relationships.
Grouped into different categories, we can speak of:
Expressing feelings Identifying and classifying feelings Assessing the intensity of feelings Reducing stress, and, better still, skills to avoid becoming stressed
Talking about oneself Learning to read and interpret social indicators Understanding other people’s points of view Maintaining a positive attitude towards life
This is just a small sample of what we can find in an emotions programme, something that is vital to our pupil’s education. It has been proved that children learn better if they are psychologically motivated and have direct experience of what they are being taught. In Ancient times, Aristotle stated that a problem does not lie in emotions themselves, but rather their aptness and the opportunity to express them.
The question is how we can bring greater intelligence to our emotions, more civility to our society, and more esteem into our lives. This is the ultimate and more abstract aim of emotional intelligence.
A friendly and well-prepared atmosphere is a fundamental factor in the MGIS PROJECT.
Children need emotional security, love and affection, as well as a protective environment.
For younger children, the ability to be corrected and improve is closely related to the structure of the environment.
Older children, despite being capable of improvement through language and reasoning, will be better off in an atmosphere that is more conducive to this.
(Multiple Options for Results in Education)
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